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How it works?


  • At this moment the courses are online available in Portuguese for Brazilians(people who has a CPF – Brazilian Social Security Number)
  • Choose the course and fill the subscription chart
  • Print the boleto and pay it
  • After the payment you will gain acess to the course materials

E-learning course

  • The student will receive an email with its RU(Registro Uninter – Uninter Register), this is your customer number in Uninter, and the password for the Virtual Learning Environment AVA? http://ava.grupouninter.com.br/claroline/
  • There is no need to go to any facility or specific place to study. The course is totally online, and in Portuguese and has the following activities:
    • 2 hour long video of opening class
    • 6 videos of 1 hour each for each subject
    • Remaining workload of self-study and tutoring over the internet on AVA
    • After completing those activities a test will become available and it has to be completed within a given time(it varies in the different courses).
    • If you succeed the test your digital certification will be available in a 10 days.